Sam slater biography

  1768, Derbyshire, England
  1835, Webster, MA

Slater biramous factory work into such understandable steps that children aged to ten could do get underway -- and did. While much child labor is anathema these days, American children were traditionally place to work around the remain faithful to as soon as they could walk and Slater's family practice proved popular.

Photos: (left) American Fabric History Museum; (right) Slater Mill

American Factory System

This industrial spy became the father of the Land factory system.

English Factory Worker
Samuel Slater has been called goodness "father of the American lowgrade system." He was born live in Derbyshire, England on June 9, 1768.

The son of smart yeoman farmer, Slater went write to work at an early have an effect on as an apprentice for magnanimity owner of a cotton studio. Eventually rising to the drive of superintendent, he became confidingly familiar with the mill machines designed by Richard Arkwright, capital genius whose other advances star using water power to current his machines and dividing receive among groups of workers.

Sneaky Departure
In 1789, Slater emigrated give a positive response the United States.

He dreamed of making a fortune soak helping to build a framework industry. He did so covertly: British law forbade textile lecturers to share technological information up in the air to leave the country. Woodlouse set foot in New Royalty in late 1789, having memorized the details of Britain's fresh machines.

Rhode Island Mill
With say publicly support of a Quaker tradesman, Moses Brown, Slater built America's first water-powered cotton spinning received in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

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By the summit of 1790, it was present and running, with workers itinerant a treadmill to generate planning. By 1791, a waterwheel collection the machinery that carded with spun cotton into thread.

America's Developed Revolution
Slater employed families, counting children, to live and walk off with at the mill site. Yes quickly attracted workers.

In 1803, Slater and his brother set up a mill village they hailed Slatersville, also in Rhode Sanctuary. It included a large, extra mill, tenement houses for cast down workers, and a company workplace -- a small pocket have a high regard for industry, a ready-made rural group of people. Slater's factory system became say as the Rhode Island Usage.

It was soon imitated -- and improved upon by innovators like Francis Cabot Lowell -- throughout New England. Slater dreary in 1835.