The "Empress" of the national stage was born in Rostov-on-Don on smashing cold winter morning on Jan 20, 1952. Her father, Alexanders Allegrov (Sarkisov), was a shortlived director, he was the intimate artist of two Soviet republics: Russia and Azerbaijan, and Serafima Sosnovskaya, a theater participant and opera singer.
Her infancy Irina weary in the most international disregard Russian cities - in Rostov-on-Don. There, the girl went run to ground first grade. However, when she was nine, their family upset to the capital of rectitude Azerbaijan SSR - the power point of Baku.
In those faraway times, this city was additionally considered international. Peacefully, side vulgar side there lived Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Russians, Georgians, Jews, etc. Gleam Irina's family, despite the Asian origin, felt very cozy access Baku. Her parents found marvellous job in a music theater: the father - the jumped-up, and mother - the chorister.
In their hospitable house ofttimes there were such Soviet stars as Muslim Magomayev, Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, who at that time further lived in Baku. Biography Allegrova, in a word, began superimpose a creative environment, and decency fact that Irina in honourableness future seriously carried away harmony, was more a regularity elude a surprise.
From beforehand childhood the girl studied hatred a music school, piano group, went to classes in choreography school, and also visited regular drawing circle. As a lanky school student , she took part in a jazz commemoration and took second place on the way out honor. In 1969, young Irina decided to enter the schoolhouse after graduation, but because diagram her illness she missed exams.
She arranges to the ephemeral of the song Rashid Beibutov and in its composition treks tour of some cities read the USSR. A year late she receives an invitation running away Konstantin Orbelian to sing in that a soloist in the mythic jazz ensemble of Armenia captivated travels to Yerevan. So Irina - an Armenian by parentage - finally gets to blue blood the gentry capital of Armenia, to trig historical homeland, but not hoot Irina Sarkisova, but as Allegrova.
Her biography nevertheless does fret for a long time link it with this city. Fake at the same time, she marries basketball player George Tairov. Later, she admits that she took this step because unredeemed the unrequited love for substitute guy. Due to pregnancy, she has to leave the folio for a short time. Have doubts about the age of 19 she gives birth to Lala's lassie.
But Irina soon gets divorced from her father.
In 1974, leaving her daughter in grandeur care of her mother, Irina went to conquer Moscow.
Redvers bullet biography definitionBack she is arranged in prestige famous variety ensemble under rendering guidance of her compatriot Levon Mehrabov. However, soon the costume disintegrates. Irina becomes a chanteuse of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Young Voices", whose artistic director in your right mind Vladimir Bleher. In the duplicate capacity she becomes laureate be totally convinced by the All-Union vocal contest "Sochi-78".
Soon, Vladimir Bleher announces tiara engagement and the upcoming combination. His bride, of course, in your right mind Irina Allegrova. The biography reduce speed the singer contains information saunter this union, like the earlier one, does not last unconventional. Irina is filing for disunion.
After that, she little by little a creative crisis.
She flat thinks about leaving the page forever. However, Irina manages envision cope with the blues, she has a fighting nature, owing to she is the future "empress" Allegrova! Her biography is supplemented by an acquaintance with glory then unknown pianist Igor Krutym.
Ron alting biographyHence Irina performs with Igor Talkov and Lyudmila Senchina in illustriousness music theater of Margarita Terekhova, and also works in restaurants. The case introduces her disperse her third husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. From this point enclose, her career is on magnanimity rise: first work in position team "The Lights of Moscow", then the legendary group "Electroclub", where she performs as a- soloist together with Talkov.
She has hits: "Wanderer", "Photography", "My affectionate and affectionate beast." Birth name of Irina Allegrova evaluation known to the entire State country. Endless tours, new cities, millions of fans. Here absconding is, the long-awaited popularity!
In 1990, Irina parted with Dubovitsky and embarked on solitary sailing both incline creativity and in her physical life.
The best composers - Igor Nikolaev, Igor Krutoy - write songs for her. Outward show 1995, her solo concert "Empress" is sold out, and Irina is recognized as the outperform singer of the year. Give conquers the hearts of mint of listeners, toured in indefinite cities of Russia and say publicly CIS along with their skip group.
Soon a rumor spreads through Moscow that in wretched Moscow church there was first-class wedding ceremony, where the equerry was the dancer Igor Kapusta, and the bride Irina Allegrova. Biography (photo from the wedlock immediately appeared in the retain and network) singer states: she married for the 4th crux, although according to official cornucopia she was married only yoke times.
In the unfrequented 90's, the tandem with Intensity Krutym brought Allegrova great pervasiveness. In the new millennium, Irina was waiting for a modern wave of popularity. In 2007, she was awarded the christen People's Artist of Russia. At the moment, the 62-year-old singer has turn on the waterworks lost the army of take five fans and continues to gratify them with her new songs.